Of course there are a few well-organized souls who get up early enough to breathe deeply at the window, count the birds on the lawn, or make some other leisurely gesture before settling down to their bowl of Kellogg's Corn Flakes. But not this late-rising young brief case toter. And we say, if he dribbles milk on his shirt, it serves him right.
However, one of the nice things about these friendly flakes is that they understand everybody's early morning mood. That's why they've been on the American scene for fifty years running and are still the favorite. You can take them sitting up, lying down, or on the run, they'll always meet your appetite more than halfway.
Thin, crisp flakes of good, wholesome corn, made to our still secret recipe, toasted to a golden turn in our radiant ovens. No matter which side of the bed you get up on tomorrow, Kellogg's Corn Flakes will have something nice to say to you. But just don't let yourself run out of them, that's the main thing. How is it in your cupboard right now? Maybe you'd better take a look.
Client: Kellog's
Brand: Cornflakes
Illustrator: Norman Rockwell