It's a JUNGLE out there! Talent Zoo vs. Jobster suit

Talent Zoo filed a trademark infringement lawsuit on Monday in federal court in Atlanta, Georgia against Jobster, because Jobster uses the confusingly similar mark "Work Zoo."

Back in July it was announced that Jobster Inc. was acquiring WorkZoo (StudlyCaps included). Talentzoo are not happy about Jobster unauthorized use of the "WorkZoo" name and logo in their promotional materials and on their website etc. Hence the suit.

Talentzoo has recently settled a prior trademark infringement lawsuit with Work Zoo.
"Talent Zoo always takes the protection of its name and intellectual property very seriously," explained Talent Zoo's president Rick Myers. "The 'Talent Zoo' mark has tremendous value and recognition in the on-line recruiting and job community built up over years in the marketplace, and we can't allow any damage to that value," added Myers.

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