Instead of the dole - self-help promotions

A photo-album of unemployed art directors in Hamburg, that's the unconventional self-help idea by the freshly fired AD Dave Tiedemann and photographer Detlef Overmann. Together with Phoebe Schillinger and Nikolaus von Zitzewitz, creatives formely at Johannsen Hüttner Kersting, they're putting out a book with 25 portraits of unemployed art directors.

Tiedmann will distribute the work in 500 copies free of charge to agencies in Hamburg and to the ADC.

"It's a kind of self-marketing", Tiedmann says, "because the the situation for art directors in Hamburg is dramatic, jobs are hard to find."

With guerilla advertising tactics this bunch has attracted more unemployed AD's interested in the project. The release party will be in the end of October, sponsored by Astra Beer. If this book is a success, more are in the making.

Visual pun notice for non Germans - The title of the book "AD" is spelled out with the unemployments offices logo.

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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caffeinegoddess's picture

Neat idea!

Dabitch's picture

it struck me that your Arbeitsamt logo looks a lot like them little warning triangles we got on pill-bottles....

AnonymousCoward's picture

yeah, and sometimes showing up there feels like swallowing very very bitter pills.

Robblink's picture

Cool idea. It also has a subtle political message, too. The government has to work harder to improve the economy. It's such a waste to have young creative minds idle.

tlevitz's picture

Yay for saying it!!! Now I wish someone would address the idle, creative minds in my neck of the woods.

An on-going issue in western PA is the "brain drain;" college grads leaving the region for greener pastures. New ad campaigns and whatnot spring up periodically to encourage young folk to stay here / recruit former residents to return... but they focus on business grads and techies. There are plenty of people with talents and abilities outside of those realms who would love to stay but we're feeling a wee bit unwanted, if you know what I mean.

What a brilliant idea; I hope it spreads.

Dabitch's picture

Next I would like to see a calender. Done in firefighter calender style, all grease swat and muscles, please.