Maverick Media Looking for Viral/Extreme Ads for New Sci-Fi Channel Show

I thought that someone here might have something to submit - to Maverick Media [via MarketingWonk]:

"Maverick Media has been commissioned by the Sci·Fi channel to produce a new viral strand for transmission as part of their new late-night series, “HEADF**K”, which premieres from Friday 12th September at 11.35pm.

‘Maverick Media Moments’ is a new venture in collaboration with many of the companies responsible for the best, funniest and weirdest viral films around. In a dedicated weekly slot, each episode of HEADF**K will bring the viewer the best viral films from the Internet in-box to the TV screen. "

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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Dabitch's picture

MarketingWonk as in wonky marketing news, or Marketing Wank? (not a comment on the blog just the name of it.)

blabla's picture

(bollochs you might want to select another avatar....)

blabla's picture

Also, you might want to link to Maverick Media where the competition is announced.

Dabitch's picture

(edited article to add original link)

Bollochs's picture

The full press release wasn't on their site, so I linked to the one that I'd bunged up on MarketingWonk.

My avatar is very appropriate - mixing my name with what I talk ;-)

A wonk is a person who is highly involved/interested in something. It's an American term. I'm from the UK so it makes little sense to me either :-) and wank is the first thing that comes to my mind also.

blabla's picture

Haha, you talk bollochs then? I didn't mean your name, I meant the default avatar, the image can be seen if one clicks your hyperlinked name for your userpage.

blabla's picture

It's hard to tell from this what they are asking for - shot and edited films or stpryboard/scripts that they can shoot?

Bollochs's picture

They are looking for existing viral and extreme ads/animations/films. Head F**K could be described as a clips show for inspiring lunatics :-)

The series is 12 episodes, and Maverick are filling 4-6 slots per episode. Basically if anyone out there has produced any extreme content that they'd like to show on TV, then Maverick would like to hear from you.

mochazina's picture

Sounds brill. I'm there.