Ikea - It's Not A Mistake - (2006) 0:30 (Canada)

The classic dash and drive because she believes that she "got a steal"....

Title: It's Not A Mistake
Client: Ikea, Canada
Agency: ZiG, Toronto
Creative Directors: Elspeth Lynn, Lorraine Tao
Art Director: Allan Mah
Copywriter: Andrew Bradley
Agency Producer: Janet Woods
Director: Mark Gilbert
Production Company: Reginald Pike, Toronto
Director of Photography: Tico Poulakakis
Producer: Tuula Hopp
Executive Producers: James Davis, Josefina Nadurata
Editor: Leo Zaharatos, Blue Highway, Toronto

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This has been done to death.
By Volkswagen UK, to mention just one.

I think this commercial is in the wrong section, it should be in the Badland one.

Dabitch's picture