Hallmark Cards - Linda Eric Suzanne (2007) 1:30 (USA)

In director James Gartner's latest campaign for Hallmark, writers share the inspiration behind some of the company's most popular cards, spanning the emotional spectrum from celebration and laughter to reflection, and tears.

Client: Hallmark Cards
Spots Title(s): "Lee Bill Lisa" & "Linda Eric Suzanne"
First Air Date: 12/2/07

Agency: Leo Burnett
Executive Creative Director: Tim Pontarelli
Art Director: Pippa White
Agency Producer: Bob Harley

Production Company: GARTNER
Director: James Gartner
DP: Jack Donnelly
EP(s): Rich Carter, Don Block
Head of Production: Elaine Behnken
Producer: Roger Petrusson

Editorial: Jump/NY
Editor: Michael Saia
Exec. Prod: Dee Tagert

Telecine: Company 3/Santa Monica

Shoot Location: Kansas City, MO

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