Hallmark - Can't Fight This Feeling (2008) :30 (USA)

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Dabitch's picture

That hair had me bellylaughing.

Allan1's picture

The actress reminds me of Denise Crosby (at the highpoint of her career, she played Lt. Yar on Star Trek: Next Generation).

"Remember, no matter where you go... There you are." (Buckaroo Banzai).
"Hey, barkeep, 2 Rock Over Hip-Hops and 1 Bach Over Vivaldi with ice."

tod.brody's picture

And Tasha Yar's daughter, Commander Sela.

Allan1's picture

Yes, and recently (last year), "Harry's Nurse", on Dexter - where she became his first human victim.

But is this actress her? I don't know, and I sort of doubt it. (She looks better than Denise did on Dexter last year).

"Remember, no matter where you go... There you are." (Buckaroo Banzai).
"Hey, barkeep, 2 Rock Over Hip-Hops and 1 Bach Over Vivaldi with ice."

tod.brody's picture

No, it's not Denise.