Gillette "Same but different" (2015) :42 (USA)

Yeah i know you're into the whole razors by mail thing, but hold up now-- just because someone burns some fossil fuel to deliver a razor to your lazy ass, it doesn't mean that all razors are created equal cause they are not. One of them swivels and pivots like a razor on a Dyson sphere. Which do you prefer? Gillette thinks you'll prefer the swiveling pivot one. There's a certain strangeness about this spot that I like. And while the comparison to the other razor is unavoidable, at least we don't need to see a dude with a chiseled jaw shaving his face. Protip: If you're advertising razors to men, they already know how to use them.

Advertising Agency: Grey Worldwide
GCD: Jeff Stamp
GCD: Leo Savage
ACD/Art Director: Lance Parrish
ACD/Writer: Stephen Nathans
producer Jason Heller
Business Manager: Suzanne Voss
Production Company: Caviar
Director: Jonathan Zames
Executive Producer: Michael Sagol
Executive Producer: Jasper Thomlinson
Executive Producer: Luke Ricci
Head of Production: Kelly Bowen
Producer: Rebecca Rose Perkins
Editorial Company: Cut + Run
Editor: Dan Maloney
Assistant Editor: Ryan Harrington
Executive Producer: Rana Martin
Producer: Ellen Lavery
Color Correct: The Mill
Audio Post: Heard City
Music Company: Marmoset Music

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