G4 TV - Midnight Spank - Bedroom/Bloody Leg (2006) :30 (USA)

"Hello Tom. You have to watch midnight spank."

"But I'm tired"

"Do you want me to eat your other leg?"

Ad Agency: BBDO/ New York
Creative Director: Eric Silver
Art Director: Richard Ardito
Copywriter: Grant Smith
Producer: Ed Zazzera

Production Company: Kleinman Productions
Director: Daniel Kleinman
DP: Dave Ungaro
Executive Producer: Johnnie Frankel
Producer: James Hatcher
Where Shot: Various locations in and around London

Editorial Company: Final Cut
Editor: Gary Knight
Assistant Editor: Ashley Kreamer
Producer: Sonali de Silva
Executive Producer: Stephanie Apt

Postproduction Company: The Mill & Framestore
Colorist: Tom Poole @ The Mill
Flame Artist: Mindy Dubin @ Framestore

Music Company: N/A

Sound Design Company: Final Cut
Sound Designer: Terressa Tate

Audio Post Company: audioEngine & Sound Lounge
Mixer: Rob DiFondi ("Bedroom/Bloody Leg," "Bedroom/Kidney") @ Sound Lounge
Mixer: Carl Mandelbaum ("Restroom") & Rex Recker ("Deer") @ audioEngine

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