"I will not..." vs "I will"
I will not sell tickets to all the people who want to ride my '67 Mustang.
I will not keeå the neighbours up all night by playing my Mustang's stereo tape player.
I will not yawn when people talk about the performance of other cars.
I will not show off my Mustang's overhead console by turning on its map lights (at least, not in the daytime anyway).
I will tell the truth about my Mustang's low price and not let people think I paid extra for bucket seats, vinyl interior, plush carpeting and all those other no-cost extras.
I will spend the money I save with Mustang on a good cause... myself.
I will love, honor, and obey the Convenience Control Panel when its lights tell me to fasten seat belts and release the parking brake.
I will stick to my diet even though my Mustang's Tilt-Away steering wheel is so adjustable.
I will keep the "helpless female" look by shifting manually only when I'm driving alone. All other times I will let the SelectShift work automatically.
I will catch up on my diary...one of these days.