Clustarack does a "cog"/domino ad video

We've seen plenty of examples of the "Der Lauf Der Dinge" thing, Honda's Cog film which was sued for being a rip of Swiss artists Peter Fischli and David Weiss' work.

Then there was that collection the current domino trend in Badland which started because of the Guinness "Tipping Point"

We're not done yet! Adgrunt alex points out that now, Clustarack is doing a video which may give you a sense of Deja Vu. In an ad for clustarack they have a hypnotic domino/chain-of-events going on in a print shop, all started by rolls that fall over, as they do when not secured. Quite cute actually since the roll-parking product they sell is the hero at the end of the video. You can even download the ad, but only in .wmv

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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blabla's picture

The idea is old as dirt, but done right I just have to watch.

EdSharp's picture

Thanks for your comments. You can now see how we made the advert at Clustarack video page. In addition to the WMV version, I have also uploaded the Xvid encoded version for those who like variety!