This year, two campaigns took home the Cyber Lions Grand Prix.
Sweden - Curators of Sweden by VOLONTAIRE in Stockholm have some fancy new metal to show off. The post about the world's most democratic twitter account has been read over eleven thousand times already, which isn't always a good thing.
Whats the fuzz with jews. You can't even see if a person is a jew, unless you see their penises, and even if you do, you can't be sure!?
— @sweden / Sonja (@sweden) June 12, 2012
VOLONTAIRE describe their challenge:
Position Sweden as a progressive country. Develop an idea powerful enough to spread organically and globally. IDEA: Sweden became the first country in the world to let go of an official communication channel and hand it over to its citizens. Ordinary Swedes are @sweden one week at a time. Tweet by tweet, the image of Sweden is built: dynamic, innovative and deeply human. RESULTS: 26,000 followers from 120 countries in six weeks. Real interaction, thousands of conversations. Inspiring 21 countries and cities to do the same. Featured in all major media globally for a PR value above $19,800,000.
And theoretically confused tweets about jewish anatomy (they all have several penises? WHO KNEW?), but that might not correlate to the image Sweden wants to portray to the world as "dynamic, innovative and deeply human." But perhaps we shouldn't let one Swede ruin it for the rest.
Nike+ Fuelband from R/GA New York, USA also was a winner of the Grand Prix.
Here's how they describe the campaign:
Two years ago, Nike came to us with an idea: a device that tracks your daily activity and a common, universal metric called Fuel for every active body out there. They asked us to design the entire user experience. We ensured ease of use: set your goal, and get from red to green. If you meet your goal, animations celebrate your performance. Hit a streak and Fuelie shows up to cheer you on. Data visualisations show where you were most active daily, weekly, monthly, and beyond. We created Bluetooth synch technology so when you finish your day, your Fuel is wireless synced to the platform. NikeFuel levels the playing field, and fits into your life.
It's always great when a brand can successfully pinpoint a need and fulfill on it with utility.
Gold Cyber Lions went to:
The Museum of Me by Projector, Tokyo, Japan for Intel Core i5 Processor
The LIberation by Grey, Copenhagen, Denmark and North Kingdom, Stockholm, Sweden for Only Jeans Uncle
Bear 71 by Jam3, Toronto, Canada for The NFB (National Film Board) Ecological Awareness
Small Business Gets An Official Day by Crispin Porter + Bogusky, Boulder, CO, USA and Digitas, New York, USA for American Express
Obsessed With Sound by Tribal DDB Amsterdam, The Netherlands for Philips Lifestyle Entertainment
Rome 3 Dreams of Black by North Kingdom, Skelleftea, Sweden and Google Creative Lab, New York, USA for Google WebGL
All Is Not Lost by Hakuhodo, Tokyo, Japan for Google/OK GO Google Chrome
Connecting Lifelines by Dentsu, Tokyo, Japan for Honda Motor International
Don't Make Up And Drive by DDB Tribal Group, Berlin, Germany for Volkswagen Road Safety Message
@Sweden has been great fun ... then a recent spate of coverage in the US invited a veritable swamp of trolls to join the conversation.
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PermalinkIf you meant my coverage I'm Swedish.
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