Corona "Dear Summer," (2015) :90 (USA)

Here's a very poetic love letter written to summer, from winter. In it, Winter laments his case. No one's written songs about him, so one likes to hang with him, and no one wants and endless winter, like all the things summer related. Heck, winter doesn't even have a beer. But summer does. And that beer is Corona. Talk about wiping the "Miles away from Ordinary," slate clean. Love it.

Client: Corona
Advertising Agency: The Community, Miami, USA
Agency website:
Creative Director: Rodrigo Butori
Art Director: Aaron Willard
Copywriter: Aaron Zimroth
Chief Creative Officer: Jose Molla, Joaquin Molla
Senior Producer: Julio Rangel
Production Company: Partizan
Director: John Dolan
Director Of Photography: Alex Lamarque
Editor: Rob Watzke
Assistant Editor: Evelina Gokinayeva
Color correction & VFX: Vapor Post
Music & SFX: Circle Of Sound
Audio Mix: Elastik Music

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ILoveADs's picture

"You bring the beer, I bring the ice" I love that.

Craig Strachan's picture

Sounds like Gordon Pinsent, voice talent, to me.