Coors Light "Say YES to Adventure" (2014) 1:00 (Canada)

Coors Light Canada gets weird in this spot featuring a talking bear hat, horse loving athletes, neon eyeballs, plastic suits that fill up with air, donkeys named Richard and a bunch of other things that made zero sense but are there just to be weird. Even the VO that tries so hard to keep it grounded mostly ends up being a see-say.

Remember kids, weird is always good, provided there is some reason for it. But since Coors Light has never been a weird brand, this direction seems quite off.

Client: Coors Light
Agency: Leo Burnett
Creative Director: Judy John
Group Creative Director (AD): Anthony Chelvanathan
Group Creative Director (CW): : Steve Persico
Executive Producer: Emma Du Boisson
Group Account Director: Chris Perron
Production Company: Soft Citizen
Director: The Perlorian Brothers
Executive Producer: Link York
Editing Facility: Rooster Post Production
Editor: Marc Langley
Assistant Editor: Nick Greaves
Executive Producer: Melissa Kahn
Producer: Yumi Suyama
Colour Facility: Alter Ego
Colourist: Eric Whipp
Assistant Colourist: Patrick Samaniego
Finishing Facility: Fort York VFX
Lead Flame Artist: Paul Binney
Flame Artist: James Marin
Executive Producer: Amanda Larivière
Audio House: Grayson Matthews
Original Music & Sound Design - Grayson Matthews
Casting & Voice Direction: Grayson Matthews

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kurtberengeiger's picture

I wanna a fur hat like that

murray's picture

yaaaaaaaaassss gourl! get weird! finally coors put their bear fur thinking cap on.

Dabitch's picture

So basically, this is the stuff you get shitfaced on a la college kids binge drinking? Cool!

No, seriously the talking bear head was kind of amazing, even though I was wish he wasn't see-saying. And they're right that Coors really isn't good for much else other than binge-drinking it. So I approve of this change of tactic, and the Art Direction, just not the VO. It feels like a compromise.