CANAL+ billboard campaign for "This Is Going To Hurt" by BETC uses poor handwriting to get message across.

CANAL+ welcomes the acclaimed British series "This Is Going To Hurt" on its TV network

Ad agency BETC creates clever handwritten doctor's note to promote the show.


First a successful book by Adam Kay that got turned into a brilliant TV series that aired on BBC, THIS IS GOING TO HURT, the extraordinary story of an ordinary doctor, is now coming to French TV screens thanks to CANAL+. The British series that breaks the codes of the medical genre arrives on CANAL+ on March 31st.

Adapted from the bestseller autobiography by Adam Kay, a former British obstetrician, the series tells the unfiltered but witty story of his daily life in a gynecological department of a British public hospital run by the NHS.

This is Going To Hurt differs from other medical dramas by depicting a realistic practice of medicine with its humanity and its flaws.The series not only portrays the dedication and commitment of the team members, but also the occasional mistakes due to constant fatigue along with the system's dysfunction. This is Going to Hurt is a dramatic series, but with the irresistible cynicism that only the British can nail.

To help promote the series introduction on the French market, CANAL+ is launching an outdoor advertising campaign with longtime agency BETC, that will air from March 28th to April 10th. The visual uses the name of the series as if it was written in a doctor's note in physicians’ infamous terrible handwriting style. A clever way of reminding the audience that This is Going to Hurt is a realistic series written by a real doctor.

Posters of the campaign will be placed next to hospitals in Paris.

Brand: CANAL+
Brand Managers: Emilie Pietrini, Celine Pontygayot, Juliette Ovarlez
Ad Agency: BETC
Agency Managers: Bertille Toledano, Mathilde Lancon, Tenee Diouf, Adrien Bletton, Mailys Fourdrinoy
Executive Creative Director: Stephane Xiberras
Creative Director: Nicolas Lautier
Copywriter: Ellynore Attia
Art Director: Melissa Hofman
Traffic Manager: Nina de-Wet

Producer: Sarah Belhadj
Media Agency: Havas Media

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