Burger King - Hitmoms - Whack the King - 3 (2007) :30 (USA)

Agency: Crispin Porter + Bogusky

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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cdelviscio's picture

where else may i get to see this commercial... beacause im not paying dam money just for 1 commerical.

tod.brody's picture

I'd sit in front of my TV night and day if I were you, waiting for it to magically appear. Oh, and "dam" is spelled "damn," unless you're a beaver.

TDD's picture

w Where else may i I get to see this commercial... beacause because im I'm not paying dam damn money just for 1 commerical. commercial.

Where else may I get to see this commercial? ....because I'm not paying damn money just for 1 one commercial

Where else may I see this commercial? I'm not paying money for just one commercial.

"Happiness is overrated."

Imanaddy's picture

Is it something in the water lately? First that guy in the forums, now this one.

caffeinegoddess's picture

They seem to come in waves. :/

TDD's picture

Breaking upon the shoreline to then disappear.

"Happiness is overrated."

Dabitch's picture

How poetic, and true. ;)