Brita "Sugar Lowdown" (2013) :40 (USA)

Just in time for Halloween, Brita reminds us that you wouldn't serve your kid this much sugar in food form, so don't do it in liquid form either. Swap out the soda for water.

This spot is incredibly creepy. I think it's the casting. I kept hoping the kid would go all Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde on us.

Client: Brita
Agency: Critical Mass
Christiaan Welzel - Creative Director
Jared Folkmann - Group Planning Director
Andrew Lavery – Sr. Art Director
Scott King – Planning Director
Natalie Matti - Sr. Account Manager
Alissa Hansen – Producer
Kelly Anderson – Project Manager
Nikolay Mihaylov – Sr. Designer
Stefan Smith – Copywriter
Enrique Ottone –Design Director
Jose Alejandro Segura – Illustrator

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