Friday when I told y'all about the Contagious Media Showdown competition few checked out the Showdown Ranking Page it seems, as I have been asked by a few people if entry X or Y in said competition really is a viral. Take the 7-11 brainfreeze films for example, right now they rank number 12 on the CMS competition page, yet Adrants thinks it's a real viral for seven eleven. It's not. The site owner is being mighty cryptic though -- and who can blame him really, he just wants to win 2000 USD by winning the showdown.
So how do I know that it isn't really a seven eleven thing? Well that would break the showdown rules where it states quite clearly:
8) No paid work.Your entry cannot advertise or market a commercial product. Viral marketing firms can enter the contest, but they may not submit paid work they are doing for a client.