BetterUp - Prince Harry / Transform with Mental Fitness (2022) 5:38 (USA)

The 15-second clip here was just a teaser for this. BetterUp "Chief Impact Officer" Prince Harry, The Duke of Sussex, walks onto a stage as if he's a world-renowned life coach and asks two-time gold medalist Chloe Kim, author and psychologist Adam Grant, BetterUp member Blu Mendoza about "mental fitness." 

It all begins with greeting hugs, and I couldn't help but notice that Adam Grant, who sits on the advisory board of BetterUp calls Harry "Prince Harry", and Harry responds "finally get to see you in person", I guess they're all working from home over Zoom. 

Harry asks questions like What’s something you can do every day to strengthen your mind the same way you do your body? and "What does the term mental fitness mean to you?", then sits and nods along as they reply. He also gets to throw the word "thrive" in there, "thrive through the day." I hope the cheesy signmakers of Hobby Lobby heard that so they can get cranking.

This clip tells me a little more about what BetterUp is. It's not yoga with baby goats, but an app that creates and keeps track of things you must do to stay mentally fit. And some of that may be yoga with baby goats. I wouldn't really need an app to tell me when I can frolic with baby goats, but a lot of people out there do want coaching, and BetterUp offers companies coaching for their teams. The app seems to give you all sorts of advice, from career planning to presenting with confidence - and you Facetime people for individual sessions.

The one thing the app doesn't help you do is to sit properly, clearly, as slouchy Harry demonstrates in this clip. 

Client: BetterUp

Production: InHouse

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