Becks "BECK'SPERIMENT: shopping" (2015) 2:57 (Croatia)

First off, apologies to Drap Zagreb for not having your country in our drop down list, but I believe you may be our first submission from Croatia! And what a fun one, too. This stunt tests guys' patience for beer. You see them walk into a clothing store with their wives or girlfriends who want to do a little shopping. They guys are then handed an iPad with instructions written on it: keep the ladies in the store for an hour and you'll get beer. It's quite funny to see the lengths they'll go try and achieve this. There's also a smart insight to this silliness. Compromise on everything, but not your beer. It's a pretty clever take on the whole "guys hate shopping," riff. I hope the ladies got some clothes out of it, though, or at least some of the beer.

Client: Beck's Croatia
Advertising agency: Drap Zagreb
Creative director: Davor Runje
Creative lead - Ivan Šarić
Art director: Ana Petak
Account director: Vladimir Karmelić
Account assistant: Stipe Bačić
Copywriter: Aleksa Tatalović
Community manager: Katarina Exle
Production: RED STUDIO

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Great one! :)

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Country added (sorry about delay)