Aw shucks. Some people are a little disappointed that they weren't nominated to the Battle of the Ad Blogs 2006, and we're sorry that not everyone could make it onto the nominee list or if we simply missed a fantastic new blog out there. See, we started with the blogs listed in the ad links, two hundred odd, and suggestions from an invited group of hardcore adgrunts. We then went about voting ourselves for the ones that should be in the final nominations, as 200-odd blogs would be a wee bit too much. Just a tad, aye?
How we will collect the contenders for the battle next year remains to be seen, we're already discussing an open submissions form and then a vote, but if you want to keep yourselves in the searchlight here, make sure your blog is submitted to the adlinks.
Read more - linkfest inside. We've sorted out anchors so that it's easier to link directly to each category in the battle.
It's become glaringly obvious that we need to be able to link to each category - so here are the anchors: Best non English language ad blog, Best Ad-Porn Blog, Best General Ad Commentary, Best Ad Commentary non US, Best Commercial Ad Blog , Best Ad Agency Ad Blog, Best Planner/Theorists Blog, Best School Ad Blog, Best Design Discussion Blog, Best Typography Blog, Best Marketing Blog, Best PR Blog, Best Viral Blog, Best Inspiration Blogs, Best Online/Interactive, Best Topical Blogs
Meanwhile, since this years battle has begun, friendly blogs out there are rooting for their pals or themselves in the battle of the ad blogs.
The cheerleaders
Chris Dias and Zone 41 does a pom-pom dance in a language I can't read, apparently rooting for Brainstorm9. In Roumania, Serial Thoughts are rooting from the sidelines. Chaos Scenario does three cheers for John Keehler's Random Culture blog. Copy&Writer is rooting for Marco Fossati of Creative Classics. A Greek blog called writes about it, but I have no idea what it says because it's all Greek to me. (C'mon! You'd do that pun too if you got the chance!) Duncan's TV Ad land thinks the only thing bad about the award is that we can't nominate ourselves, and gives props to the German blog Werbeblogger and his local contender Campaignbrief. Rob Forshaw reckons you should vote for your favourites.
On the bench
American Copywriter feels snubbed as they sit this one out. Sorry guys. Best known for their podcast about advertising they might just be the ones to start a whole new category - podcasting ad blogs - for next year.
The Players
Adfreak are chuffed to be in on this game. AdsSuck are rehearsing their acceptance speech already. Cup of Java, caff reckons there are many blogs worth checking out in the nominees list. TBWA are recruiting. Ernie Schenck. has some funny comments under his post. The Spunker promises to play "Freebird" on their synth if they win.. Ooh, tempting.
Adpulp wants you to stroke them... for luck of course, Chris Ray thinks were crazy, in a good way. Our Dutch pals at Marketingfacts thinks it's fun to be in the battle but are looking over their shoulders at the Russian tanks from Adverka behind them.
Mark Lewis from Planning from the outside is a little shell-shocked already, despite the battle hardly starting yet, just for being nominated. Being reasonable share their favourites in other categories, while BL Ochman at Whats' Next seems to be doing cartwheels onto the field.
Werbeblogger puns that the phallic-looking tanks are just another "who has the biggest one?" prance - they are so right of course. Industrial Brand Creative wonder who nominated them as they get ready to rumble. Brandflakesforbreakfast are gathering an army. Fallon trend point says "bring it on", Room 116 buckles up.
Brainstorm9 are gaining on the Russians at Adverka. Adrants shoutouts to all in his category, like AdScam who reckons bloody hell already. ;) AdJab and Random Culture wants you to vote, so does TTR2 who is up for a viral award. Groupies wants everyone to jump at the same time, while Researcher notices the already significant Adverka lead.
Creative classics just taught me that even the word "vote" sounds cool in Italian as they megaphone out "Votantonio Votantonio Votantonio" although vote should be "voto", no? But yes please do votantonio! Micro Persuasion takes note. Coudal are happy to take on the big guys as they've already kicked Burnett, Thompson, DDB and Y&R tush. W+K hollers "let the battle commence!" Netzkobolde notes that the list of nominees is great for surfing. Jack Cheng might get a reverse psychology boost as he asks people not vote for him. Fredrik Samuel encourages folks to vote. Brad Mantra thinks the battle is cool. Brand Noise found interesting co-nominees. Brand Autopsy seems to sing a song
Adverka feel confident that they have the biggest tank.
Nominees with badges
Corporate Engagement Trevor Cook flies the flag.. er.. banner. So does Transbuddha and Brand Noise. Hidden Persuader wears his like a mobster. Ideamill just wears it. Killerviral had theirs tailored to suit.
The commentators
Creativity sends out an email alert that he battle has begun to the ad world.
The battle will rage until Friday Feb 10, when we'll announce the verdict of the world's ad blog readers. The blog with the most votes in a category wins the battle 2006, a badge to proudly wear on their blog and a snazzy t-shirt (their choice of size and colour) with their battle tank #1 Ad Blog status on it, full bragging rights included, and a Pixies Live Disc, while the jammy blog that gets the most votes overall gets the tee, the disc and a 100-pack of Jewelboxings!
Stick that in your pipe and smoke it! Best of luck to all battle-blogs!
We'll check for more cheerleaders and press as we note how the battle is going again next Sunday.
aw crap, after all that I only just noticed that the Creative post has the battle linked in their sidebar too.
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Permalinkchrist - I Forgot to add one of the first linksbacks that I noticed. Pass the java.
Influx insights calls it "the Oscars of our world." This is true, except we don't have to steal jewelry on loan and squeeze into expensive dresses to be here. ;)
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the language you cant read its Portuguese!
nice contest!
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PermalinkI know which language it is. I just don't understand it. ;) Much anyway.
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