Ad agencies bet their presidency

Earlier we were alerted by Dabitch to the redirecting of agency homepages due to a football (American) bet between Hadrian's Wall and Boone Oakley.

It appears another bet between ad agencies is on the table. This time, a presidency is at stake.

Mike Burns has bet the presidency of his Fort Collins-based agency Burns Marketing Communications for a week.

If the Broncos win, Burns will assume the role of honorary president at Markowitz Communications, a marketing and public relations agency in Pittsburgh. If the Broncos lose, Saul Markowitz takes over at Burns.

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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Dabitch's picture

Is this betting thing going to become a huge fad - like those millionpixelpages? ;))

caffeinegoddess's picture

heheh at least if it is it's a once a year thing only. ;)