Don't just drink your 5 Hour Energy neat. Add it to some seltzer or juice or something. This spot reminds me of Old Navy at its most camp.
Client: 5-hour Energy
VP of Creative: Carl Sperber
Head Copywriter: Jereme Sanborn
Production Company: Lucky Airlines (Detroit + Los Angeles)
Director: Nicolas Hill
Executive Producer - Rich Hansen
Cinematography + Color Grading Company: Bunte Farben (Los Angeles)
DP + Color Grader: Florian Stadler
Editorial Company: Territory (Detroit)
Creative Editor: Dave Crosslin
Executive Producer: Joan Porter
Graphics, Finishing + Audio Company: Hudson Editorial (Detroit)
Graphics Designer: Frank Marra
Finisher: Kevin Jones
Sound FX Designer: Spenser Hall
Stock Music Company: Audio Jungle
Voice Over Talent: ‘Creepy’ Clyde Brown
Interesting way of saying "our product tastes like ass, so here's an idea pour our drink into other drinks and drink it".
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