Zoom Zoom Zoo-oops!

A Mazda spot has been yanked in Australia because they drove too fast. Speculation has it that their new Aussie slogan will be "Putt Putt Putt."


A Mazda commercial has become the first to be pulled from television because of an advertising code that prohibits the depiction of excessive speed and unsafe driving.


The commercial featured an animated seatbelt indicator on the dashboard leaning from side to side as it simulated cornering while turning an imaginary steering wheel. It was one of more than 30 reviewed by the board, which had dismissed several complaints since the code's introduction.


If you're a superadgrunt, the US version of the spot in question is here in our Commercial Archive.

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Dabitch's picture

thats pathetic! They're not driving faster than in any other Car advert??

AnonymousCoward's picture

No way has that been sped up with tricky camera effects or something. You'd think Legal would have nixed it because the little driver guy *doesn't really* move around in real life. Come to think of it--where's the disclaimer!?