Yves Saint-Laurent "Y" (2017) 1:20 (France)

Yves Saint Laurent presents WHY.
It makes everything possible.
Why follow old paths when I can create new ones?
Why have dreams if I can’t fulfill them?
Why is not a weakness. It’s a strength.
Why can break down walls.
Why can build new worlds.
And the more I ask why, the more I dare to become.

Yes it's a fragrance with an anthemic voice over.

Here's to generation Y. And manifestos. I tell you, the next breakout director will be the one who has the courage to avoid the "filming someone's back," cliché. Maybe someone from generation Y will be able to. And while we play advertising bingo, let's also keep in mind there is no celebrity spokesperson here but instead three "ambassadors," who are "makers."

Loyle Carner, 22 years old, is a rapper from the south of London. He started writing while a teenager, finding inspiration from East Coast hip-hop, jazz, pop, soul or gospel.
Alexandre Robicquet, 25 years old, is a researcher in the field of Artificial Intelligence. His first thesis, achieved at the sweet age of 21, earned him an academic scholarship at Stanford University. After being published in
various medical revues, he created his first startup, Crossing Minds, focused on medical research. David Alexander Flinn is a sculptor. He started his artistic journey at 16 by painting graffiti in the streets of New

Brand: Yves Saint Laurent
Ad Agency: BETC Luxe
Creative Director: Guillaume Rebbot
Creatives: Fanny Buratto, Maud Lepetit
Art Director: Julie Richard
Director: Manu Cossu
Production Company: Iconoclast
Music Track: The Isle of Arran (Loyle Carner)

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