Youtube's "ambush advertising" in makeup tutorial channels, been done thrice

Stealth advertising in youtube channels is popular, so popular we have badlanders happening. Maybe this type of advertising should have its own name? Ambush advertising? Kiss and sell? Lets start with this one, from 2011 and Violence against women EU - "Cover the blemishes". A lovely lady shows us how to cover blemishes in a youtube style makeup-tip video, and then the door opens behind her and my heart sinks to my stomach. The renovation noise only added to the growing tension. Well done. You would find this ad on youtube when you looked for makeup tutorials. It was right there, on the right-hand side, looking deceptively normal.

Now, to that we can add this case study, showing what happened when BBH took over Lauren Luke's makeup channel on youtube - with "Don't cover up" in 2012.

Fantastic, right? It's stealth advertising sneaking into youtube channels. Which is hella smart because it's not just creatives around the world that click on youtube videos all day long, so does everyone else too. In the same ambush advertising genre of popular youtube makeup channels, Volkswagen planted the message that applying makeup and driving was unwise in this rather surprising crash course in shine 2012, hijacking Nikki's makeup channel to do it. There's an unexpected place for a PSA.

Know of any more examples?

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