Windows Live Dance Troupe @ CES

Inside the Microsoft tent at the Consumer Electronics Show, there is a group rehearsing for what will no doubt go down as one of the more, um, eye-catching marketing stunts in company history.

Microsoft marketers worked with agency collaborators Wexley School for Girls and General Public to assemble this comedic dance squad to do its thing at the show, basically drawing attention to the new Windows Live brand while wearing shirts promoting the website URL: IDEAS.LIVE.COM

The dance troup will be performing randomly along the Vegas strip, and on the Microsoft stage throughout CES. If you spot them, be sure to pick up the killer tubesocks and headbands that they are handing out as shwag.

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Robblink's picture

Where's Spike Jonze when you need him (Fatboy Slim - Praise You video)?

LPikon's picture

God bless 'em....
Mind you, you've just gotta love those whackos from Wexley eh?
They're leftfield, off the wall - and seem like really nice dudes as well!

Dabitch's picture

Just goes to show ya how true that old Paul Arden advice is: "Music is 90% of your commercial. Maybe more." ;))

johndoom's picture

Ok, how did they get these guys? How was the audition call worded?

"Are you tired of being found "attractive" by the opposite sex? Do you wish to appear cluelessly enthusiastic and wear orange pants? Do you lack rhythm in large amounts? Have we got the job for you...!"

And why didn't I hear about it?