Words and pictures have let the cat out of the bag. Now everyone knows what $750/hr buys. People are printing this out all over the world right now and stapling it to their timesheets. Yeah, we're screwed.
Toyota, Saatchi Sued for 'Terror Marketing Campaign' - Who's punk'd now, hmmm? That crazy stalkerish campaign - and I can not for the life of me see how this idea sells cars. A Ms. Duick (shame her name wasn't Buick!) claims that the campaign had her terrified and she slept with a machete next to her bed. Really? A machete? Was she expecting Indiana Jones? I love my Toyota stalker.
It's soon time for The Effies - and to celebrate they've had some Effie Myths Busted. Who here thought only US work could enter? Was that even a real myth? Methinks the Effies are feeling left out as they haven't had a decent scam ad scandal.
Todays link that is all kinds of win: My Parents Were Awesome, the antidote to awkward family photos. I was going to countdown to the next ad campaign using the old photos idea, but then I remembered that Canadian Club has that covered already. Cheers, Dad. You're awesome.
src="adland.tv/amn-right-don-draper-drank-it">Canadian Club has that covered already. Cheers, Dad. You're awesome.