Weekend roundup - commercials this week in the archive

Ah, Sunday. Just to recap folks, there's been quite a few ads sent in this past week you might have missed.

Iphone - Hello! sortof does that Virgin "spot the movie" thing - can you see which films they clipped their greetings from? I'll start you off - Pink Panther, Bullitt, Flintstones, Three Days for The Condor, Back to the Future, Patriot Game, High Fidelity, Amelie from Montmartre. I'm sad to see that there is no "pronto" or "moshi moshi". Could wee Sophia Loren and Tomorowo Taguchi in the next one please?

BBDO shows us what real fans are with the help of Umlaut, San Francisco in California Lottery "Season Starts". They even sent in actors credits. Thanks! Below, Earlene Davis and Ali Kahn share a moment.

Modernista! shows off their new Cadillac - Morning Ritual , that they shot with Smuggler, Los Angeles. BBDO has done a series with Stardust Studios, starting with Pepsi Photo Booth. Young & Rubicam, Chicago, shows us that hetero or homo, we're all human anyway in the Equalmarriage.org series starting with "carton".
The French make a dent, first they talk serious football in this cliffhanger (ha!), then they do that human-ball thing in Cadbury/Hollywood - Sphere. There's more fresh stuff from Israel as well, have fun!

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