We have officially run out words people...

When making good headlines - have a thesaurus at hand. MMk?

The end of headlines as we know it.
There are only so many words in the English language. There are only so many puns to make. Eventually, we'll all recycle. Don't you think? Oh, spill your theory too. (*nag nag*) Hit that comment button baybeh!

This first image is from a campaign developed about six months ago for FireGL a high-end graphics card manufacturer after being purchased by ATI. The FireGL campaign as it adorned trade show booths, Computer Graphics World and CGI magazines as well as direct mail pieces and data-sheets.

cred :: john freeman barton :: :: associate creative director :: :: sumaato advertising ::

Our Badland spotter comments: Coincidence? I think not. as he points us to
the next ad - just released.... (see below)

And now below.... Aaaaaaah - it's the new quicksilver apple ad!

Your humble web/listmistress here (me!) is currently driving this puppy. It's ok, I guess. (wee! I just got it! I'm loving it!) ;-)

But back to the point - isn't that headline a weeeee bit familiar? Just a teensy weensy bit?

Maybe we've simply run out of words.Our tipster says: "It seems quite likely that someone must have seen the FireGL campaign" and hey, he's got a point there as both are computer-ads.Then again - we could simply be thinking in the same paths.

Maybe they should give up the punny headlines over at Apple? They aint punny, I mean, funny. Gaah. That was unintentional. Honest!

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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