Virgin Mobile - Kate Moss Contract (2005) :50 (UK)

Principal talent: Kate Moss

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Dabitch's picture

From the JR Ewing Dallas school of acting - when somone hangs up on you, look at the phone + [insert emotion to convey here, puzzled, anger, flustered..]
(as if that will help)

AnonymousCoward's picture

does this insight come from years of being in front of the camera? she is a model - I dont want uta hagen in a cell phone addd

LPikon's picture

OK, I'll be honest here.
I've enjoyed quite a bit of the Virgin Mobile work in the last couple of years - it's normally irreverent and slightly left-field with a healthy dose of humour.
I also think that picking up Kate Moss in light of her 'nose powder' issues was in itself a big opportunity to create something funny, irreverent and truly 'Virgin'...........

.......... and then it all went horribly wrong, starting with the script. The copywriter might have well as put up a crawler at the bottom of the screen saying, "Now here's the gag".
The result: Really weak, Not funny, not surprising, not remotely clever - in fact, combined with Kate's amazing (lack of) acting ability, it came across as a really 'try-hard', weak celebrity endorsement.

Out of 5? - maybe 0.5 for getting the logo right.