Veeple might be Idiots. Veeple make in-video-ad-pitches.

"Looks like we're appearing on the same media lists." said Eric Karjaluoto of Smashlabs when we talked about Veeple - he was sent the Veeple pitch and made this post on ideas on ideas about it. He titled his post "idiots".

He got the same pitch sent several times - as did I - and when he made an angry post about it Veeple asked hom to remove it. Yup.

I got the same pitch twice so I responded "Did you get any of my earlier replies that I sent this morning?" See, when when one asks questions in return on a pitch, one wants answers not a repeated pitch. Honestly, it's that easy!

The pitch:

Software geniuses out of Silicon Valley are introducing Veeple -revolutionary software that gives the ability to add interactive "VeeSpots" -- in-stream text, web page links, speech, and even thought bubbles -- to videos. This opens up a whole new way for advertisers and web publishers to effectively deliver their message to the billions of people who are hooked on viewing and posting videos on the Internet.

The software geniuses of veeple had not sussed out how to allow for embedding flash content on other sites when I asked, so I was asking if I may host the file myself. Now they have though, so it's inside.

Why this particular file? Well, while it shows off what Veeple can do in the interest of reporting new ad-stuffs, it's also a clip from Wayne's world. I wonder if Paramount Pictures has given the go-ahead for the use of Wayne's world-famous sell-out scene as an actual sell-out demonstration of a new thingiemahbob. It's so deliciously ironic somehow. (Also, I totally doubt that they did, which would make this an infringement - but in these copyright confused times nobody cares but Viacom. And me.)

Be patient, it's a slow loader. (not my fault - this is hosted at not here )

(embed removed, Veeple is dead now. See their whitepapers attached as files)

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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Dabitch's picture

Gaaah! Remind me to never ever embed third party videos again, willya? No video. Not in my power to fix. And I even asked for the film instead, argh.