TV2 Movie Promotion / Kill Bill - Blood splatter billboard - New Zealand

Saatchi & Saatchi New Zealand went all out and drenched the streets (and some shiny white cars) in blood when promoting Kill Bill, one of the bloodiest things caught on films since Sam Peckinpah's "Salad Days" (Monty Python).

Saatchi & Saatchi New Zealand
Mike O'Sullivan, Executive Creative Director
Matt Swinburne, Art Director
helen steemson, Copywriter
Anthony Martin, Producer
GM - Sonya Berrigan
Group Account Director - Jillian Stanton
Account Director - Sarah Maclean
Account Manager - Jody Lorimer
Client - Jason Paris, Jodi O'Donnell

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Plywood's picture

Great idea, so-so execution. That's way too much blood to come off the sword. This could have been amazing if they'd spent more time crafting the perfect slightly more real situation with Uma and a blood spraying sword.