TurboTax - The thing under the bed (2018) :30 (USA)

TurboTax took advantage of the tax-filing season and returned to the Super Bowl in 2018 with a new campaign. The campaign focused on fear and had two ads called "The Thing Under the Bed" and "The Noise in the Attic," both created by Wieden & Kennedy. The parent company, Intuit, had initially planned for one 60-second spot, but eventually split the time between the two ads. Gallegos United worked on TurboTax's seasonal tax-prep campaign, but not on the Super Bowl ads.

The interface shown in the ads is even more accessible than the SmartLook live video connection to TurboTax experts featured in the 2017 "Humpty Hospital" ad, which was also created by Wieden & Kennedy.

TurboTax has appeared in five consecutive Super Bowls, starting with "Love Hurts" in 2014. This ad aired in quarter two.

Ad agency: Wieden & Kennedy

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