Too graphical?

Two southamerican posters, cheekily refering to each other.

Jason pops his head in on the list with this message:

Before the Brazil v Argentina game recently, an Argentinian condom manufacturer posted the first advert

to show what Argentina was going to do to Brazil.

After the game, the Brazilian football
organization posted this poster everywhere....

Not a real badlander per se - since they are aware of each other...Hence they're in spoof!

Fun, aye?

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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Dabitch's picture

These ads are doing the rounds once again. I've spotted them on many an ad-blog - for example at Creative Criminal, and at Alternative Buzz, although I don't know what prompted the re-appearance.

James Trickery's picture

Who knows, isn't it just the usual 2-year recycling that happens on the web? In this case 4 years... But yeah, that still fits the pattern.

Now with google video, everything old is new again.

Dabitch's picture

Keeping track of the re-appearance of these posters. Feb 24 they were posted here on (leetsoft? heh.) and this prompted a metafilter link.

JohanW's picture

I love these posters. So funny.

Dabitch's picture

I need to add this to the bunch, just because it's kind of similar. It's a playboy ad found in a German mag.

purplesimon's picture

"Found in a German mag". That's what you say!

And, rather disconcerting, what is that white mark on the lower left corner? Ewww!

Dabitch's picture

I think the art director was having too much fun. They're trying to make it read "Play, Boy!"