Following Franks's pitch to HBO in "Being Frank" starring Lawrence Fishburne , HBO turns the tables and offers another deal to Tele2. HBO to all of their customers on all of their devices.
But Frank just can't take a good deal when he gets one. He has to push once more for the movie. "Alright, what if we add a scene, where I forget that I have a left side on my face. All shot in black and white. But just black. No white. So you can't see anything. Including me."
Did we mention that in this imaginary movie he's pitching Laurence Fishburne will be playing the part of Frank? Am I the only one feeling that joke weird wasn't as much left-field as just... really, dudes? You're working hard to crank up the awkward on your black sheep who walks and talks with an american accent, broadcast in a country where everyone speaks Swedish. I've had it. I'm going to cancel my phone service just because your ads are freaking awful.
It might have the opposite effect on other people though, as a Swedish comment on the clip said: "If you actually do a movie with Laurence Fishburne called "Being Frank", with this only black scene in it, I promise to change to Tele2."
Different strokes, I suppose.
Ad agency: KING
Client: Tele2