Taco Bell - Calling Card of Greatness - (2010) :30 (USA)

For Taco Bell’s national spot promotion for the Cantina Taco, which comes with a slice of lime, the zesty personality of the citrus plays a starring role. With delicious food at the heart of the narrative, Draftfcb tapped Director Tom Ryan who is known for his organic sensibility that finds glamour and beauty in detail.

With this directorial approach, Ryan has produced work that stands out from the norm and reads as tangible deliciousness. In “Calling Card of Greatness,” this deliciousness comes with a little flirtation as the lime, the self-proclaimed Culinary Casanova, adds a bright citrus note with a playful twist.

Advertising Agency: Draftfcb, Irvine, CA
Creative Director: Dennis Pettigrew
Producer: Thomas Anderson
Art Director: Vanessa Witter
Copywriter: Mark Maziarz
Associate Producer: Jeff Perino

Production Company: Directorz, Dallas, TX
Director/DP: Tom Ryan
Executive Producer: John Gilliland
Producer: Nancy Edwards

Editorial Company: Optimus, Santa Monica, CA
Editor: Erin Nordstrom

Postproduction Company: Method

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