Swedish Young Creatives team chosen for Cannes competition

Last night the first half of the Young Creatives Sweden competition was completed and the winners were given their prizes at a party/ceremony held at Nordic Light Hotel, Stockholm. The winning team is John Bergdahl & Karin Frisell who will travel to Cannes this summer and compete in young creatives down there. This is the second time John Bergdahl gets to compete in the Young Creatives down in Cannes, though last year he was teamed with Richard Hallberg.

The brief was to bring in research money for the Childcenter at Astrid Lindgrens Sjukhus, the target was new parents and grandparents, the media dictated was a Newspaper ad and a banner-ad.
One team went all out and off-brief, Samuel Åkesson and Tomas Manovsky, and actually raised money for the cause - for their efforts they got a honorable mention and a special YC diploma.

The winning newspaper ad, a small space spot color ad to run on the obituaries page.

Closeup, the headline reads: This page should be forbidden for children. Where the term "barnförbjuden" is used on anything not suitable for children, while it literally means "forbidden for children".

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