Swedish anti-racist organisation rips off German anti-Nazi idea - raise money when neo-Nazis march

The Swedish anti-racism organization called "Inte rasist, men..." (which translates to "Not a racist, but...") organized charity run for the first of May in Falun, where members of Nordfront, the Nordic National Socialist movement, were going to march. IRM donated a sum of money for every meter that Nordfront marched to various anti-racist organizations. There are many photos shared on IRM's facebook page, some depicting very amusing signs, from all sorts of demonstrators, IRM and anti-demonstrators in Falun yesterday. For example, this man has a sign that says "Your tie is crooked" and he's waving it at the Nordfront people, who all dress in white shirts and tuck their ties in to avoid it being used against them in any fights. The signs from IMF all have different variants of the message that they are donating money to charity for every meter Nordfront walks. "Please continue marching, we will continue donating" and "If the Führer only knew, Nazis against Nazis", and the popular "A small step for a Nazi, a great leap for mankind". If this concept seems familiar to you, it's because it has been done before. In 2014 "Exit" and the city Wunsiedel turn a neo-Nazi march into a charity run, where each meter marched went specifically to organizations that helped people who sought help with "Exit" to leave neo-nazi gangs. Quite a bit more targeted than just donating to "various anti-racist organizations" there, since the charity walk Nazis against Nazis was specifically to help the very people who were marching. They even gave out bananas to the people who were marching.

Check the Nazi demo case study here

IRM even gave out a diploma to the Nordic front for their participation, and it looks pretty much exactly like the diploma that #RechtsgegenRechts gave the German neo-Nazis. Shame that the art direction copy didn't extend to the rest of the banners & posters. The goal of IRM was to raise 20,000 SEK but thanks to the generous donations of other demonstrators (via nifty cellular phone banking) and the sale of IRM T-shirts they managed to raise 120,000 SEK before the end of the day. The stunt also got some earned media in Sweden and retweets on Twitter, attracting more potential donors to IRM's website and donations page. Pretty successful. It's clear that the Badland here is obviously inspired by and possibly even done in co-operation with the German anti-racist group Rechts gegen Rechts despite IRM not working as a help-organization for those who wish to leave right-wing gangs. Inte rasist men... describe their organizations as "an anti-racist, non-partisan organization that critically examines the Sweden Democrats." To be clear, the Sweden Democrats are currently polling as the second largest political party in Sweden. They entered into parliament in 2010 and currently hold 49 seats in the Riksdag. In other words, the description "non-partisan" is inaccurate since they examine only one and not the other 7 political parties in Sweden.

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