Sundek Beachwear - Battles - Press ads

Riccardo Bagnoli shot this Sundek Beachwear campaign for Callegari Berville Grey, Paris - marking important historic battles in beachwear.

Callegari Berville Grey, Paris, France

Photographer: Riccardo Bagnoli
Retoucher: Claudio Luparelli
Executive Creative Director: Andrea Stillacci
Creative Director: Luissandro Del Gobbo - Giovanni Settesoldi
Art Director: Giovanni Settesoldi
Copywriter: Luissandro Del Gobbo
Marketing Director - Lorenzo Pacini

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Dabitch's picture

Am I the only one who feels that the men-ad is really nicely shot but the female ad is looking a tad blah?

kidsleepy's picture

i think it's the purple balloon in the foreground of the female ad that is throwing me off the most.

that and the fact i keep looking for "In an absolut world" near the logo.

Dabitch's picture


AnonymousCoward's picture

Diesel 1996 called. They want their idea back.

Robert M.'s picture

Uh, I lean a bit to the left politically and I believe in a certain level of irreverence. However, I have to say that I find these Sundek ads grotesque and I question the judgement of those who chose to run them. Over 400K people died during the beach invasions until the collapse of Normandy. And probably tens of millions died during the war. In the spirit of the ad, the follow-up campaign might be from the German perspective. Don't forget to throw in a couple of swastikas.