Snickers - Mr T / Speed walking (2008) :30 (UK)

The Snickers AMV BBDO (London) team and Mr T tells us to "Get some nuts!". God I love puns and Mr T. He knows how to make an entrance.

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Neo's picture

Mr T put the T in Typecast.

Neaner's picture

Ah, but he milks it so well.

purplesimon's picture

This would've been so much better when the brand was called Marathon.

See what I did there?

purplesimon's picture

Just been banned in the UK. Apparently, it's homophobic.

Oh, per-lease.

Dabitch's picture

I know, been meaning to write about it but keep drowning in submissions that I also need to post... ack. I need more hours in each day.

I really don't get the homophobic part. Suggesting that speedwalking is gay is homophobic.

alex's picture

Just had to quote this guy commenting on the Campaign website:

"As a member of the 'gay community' I can't say that I can recollect any chocolate bar related incidents of violence! Unless you count the time that George Michael was careless with his Wispa but that was a totally different ball game!"


purplesimon's picture

I just 'snorked' coffee through my nose. Again.