The SEAT energy saving breaks - taxi Fare demonstration stunt - (2013) :90 (Germany)

SEAT technology has a clever twist, every time you brake this energy is not wasted, it's put back in the car. How do we explain this to people? Surprise taxi passengers in Düsseldorf Germany by deleting some of the fare off the taxameter every time he car breaks.

As an aside, it seems there's quite the inflation in the hidden-camera product demonstration these days, but I wouldn't mind at all if I got a taxi ride for two Euros. That's great! Unlike the Nissan Leaf Taxi this isn't preaching to the converted, each rider seems quite happily surprised and I hope they left with a leaflet about how the car works.

ad agency: GREY
Chief Creative Officer: Roland Vanoni
Executive Creative Director: Mark Hendy, Neil Elliot
Copywriter: Fabio Montero
Art Director: John-John Skoog
Account Directors: Sven Schiefer, Linda Koenen.
Producer: Anne Palesch
Production Company: Parasol Island

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