Been seeing a lot of revamped cartoon gals in my RSS feed recently, (#1, #2) and as far as I can figure it looks like the Dove campaign from early 2005 with vampy Velma, wild Wilma and magnificent Marge has only just recently made it in to the ads of the world archive, thus prompting many a adblog to point and say "oooh, purdy". Yaknow, like we do.
So, for those of you who might have missed it, Caffeinegoddess scraped up a lot of backstory to this campaign and posted a series January 20, 2005 where she interviews Guy Gould-Davies, one of the planners behind it. Credits and interesting background included.
Read Embracing Real Beauty (Part 1), and Embracing Real Beauty (Part 2) and round it all up with a nice cuppa of Embracing Real Beauty (Part 3)