Redd's beer - Masturbation / Sleep / Pee - print, Vietnam

Update - Official statement and removal of spec ads. This is JWT's official statement (pdf under link)

September 17 2009

Official Agency Statement

Re: SAB Miller/REDD’S “Dark Secrets” Posters

The poster campaign for SABMiller – REDD’S was originally developed by JWT Vietnam for internal creative purposes. At no point of time was this work endorsed by SABMiller for either publication or submission to external award shows. We therefore regret the unauthorized submission to such shows and officially withdraw the work from any such show. In the interest of SABMiller, our client, we also ask every publisher to refrain from publishing these ads on websites or in other publications. We apologize for this incident.

Chris von Selle
Managing Director
JWT Vietnam

And once again, I feel the need to remind all readers that we actually have a spec work category to submit ads to but you need to tell us that is is, indeed, spec work (and clear the publication of said ad with your agency if it is spec for one of your existing clients).

How do you sell a womans beer in Vietnam? I'll let JWT's release answer that:


Thanks to better education hence deserving well-paid jobs, modern Vietnamese women now have the freedom to go out and enjoy themselves, even to drink in public. Positioning Redd’s by SAB Miller as the very first alcoholic beverage ever to be targeted to urban women, JWT Vietnam created this campaign latching on a series of deep dark, even absurd yet so real secrets that women have long been wanting to let out. In a country where freedom of expression is still subjected to much censorship, the sentiment is real. Vietnamese women have finally emerged unrestrained by traditions.


This unusual campaign strategy comes from JWT HCM city.

JWT Vietnam
Pham Tuan Minh : Designer
Pro Eye studio : Photographer
Ompong Remigio : Executive Creative Director
Vancelee Teng : Creative Director
Ha Do / Vancelee Teng / Ho Hoang Quy : Art Director
Ali Shabaz / Ompong Remigio : Copywriter

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alex's picture

Expect to see loads more ad campaigns blatantly 'homaging' Post Secret soon.

Dabitch's picture

Haven't we already? :)

alex's picture

Every portfolio should have one. ;)

sabmiller's picture

Statement by SABMiller plc

We wish to point out that the advertising on Redd’s featured on this website is bogus and in the view of the company, distasteful and denigrating.

Accordingly, we wish to request that this be immediately removed from your website.

Dabitch's picture

Hiya sabmiller plc - you should contact me directly, I've emailed you - respond to that and we can sort this out.

Dabitch's picture

ah, well - work removed pixellated!