Brits in a pandemic - There's something going around (2020) 3:00 (UK)

Anthony Rubinstein has directed this sort of digital scrapbook of life in lockdown 2020, accompanied by Syeshia Sweeney's voiceover. The editing is another level of this clip, I'm not bored when the same old TikTok nurses are shown here in this way. Lovely work, demonstrating's skillset. Let's be honest here, this clip has higher production standards than most of the COVID-adverts doing the rounds on telly right now. Just because you are using the same TikTok and Zoom clips doesn't mean you have to look the same. As a piece of spec work, it sells Anthony's skills quite well.   Nicely done. 

Slowly, all at once, our sense of normal disappeared And this unsettling threatening enemy we didn’t know we feared Appeared. And suddenly society, and all the subtle structures We’d constructed to rely on, turned to ghosts that couldn’t touch us.

Copy: Catherine Willoughby

VO: Syeshia Sweeney

Directed and Edited by Anthony Rubinstein  

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The editing here is so perfect