RC Scorpion - Hedgehog - print

RC SCORPION remote control cars are tougher than those other remote controlled wimpy toys, and this is how Ogilvy London decided to communicate that.
If you don't want a remote controlled car, head over to Roadkilltoys for your very own squished raccoon.

James Day, Photographer
Malcolm Poynton, Executive Creative Director
Neil Dawson, Creative Director
Dom Sweeney, Art Director
John Crozier, Copywriter
Model Maker - Peter Cole

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Anonymous Adgrunt's picture
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kurtberengeiger's picture

Oh wow! I'm definitely getting one of those squashed racoons for my godson!
[The advert was ok too.]

Dabitch's picture

I read "grandson" for a second and thought you might have procreated at age five or something.

MaryWills's picture

Amusing this concept of "tough toys for tough boys". There is currently an advert airing in the US for Tonka which follows a similar concept using the strapline "Built for Boyhood". Thought I possibly saw another ad somewhere with another similar line but might have been for this company (and might have been on this site).

Love the squished hedgehog though.

aby902's picture

Use a toy animal to keep the activists from throwing a hissy!

James Trickery's picture

That's not the reason it's a toy animal. Think about it a little longer. It'll come to you.