Pita Pit "Gym" (2015) :30 (Canada)

Pita Pit has your resolution solution. Healthy eating begins with food. Not at the gym. Living in L.A. I can empathize with this one.

Client: Pita Pit
Pita Pit Canada Client Credits:
Chris Fountain, CEO, Pita Pit Canada
Kevin Pressburger, President Pita Pit Canada
Brandon Poole, Senior Director, National Marketing Pita Pit Canada
Libby Lucas, Consultant Pita Pit Canada
Creative Agency: Lowe Roche
Executive Creative Directors: Mark Mason & Jane Murray
Writer: Brendan Sack
Art Director: Jesse Pearson
Designer: Ben Coles
Typography: Lowe Roche Studio
Director of Production: Beth MacKinnon
Group Account Director: Francine Boldovitch
Account Supervisor: Thomas Gaylor
Production House/Original Music Score: RMW Music
Producer/Voice Director: Mark Rajakovic
Engineer: Kyle Gudmundson

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