Petit Bateau - "Rockit" / "The Mini Factory"(2015) :60 (France)

Petit Bateau invites us into a dreamt up factory, straight out of a kid’s imagination,where we follow a tiny quality controller around his incredible, secret factory where the Petit Bateau clothes are made and tested according to a somewhat different procedure... of course our quality control kid eats only the cupcake frosting, and has all sorts of fun dancing about in a place that pays homage to Herbie Hancock's "Rockit" video, just like Pretty Polly ads of the 80s. The quirky factory has a boxing-glove-drum beating up a tank-top, a steam engine train knocking over pots of chocolate on white t-shirts, and the cupcake-canon fires cakes on tops. It's a kids dream, really - because you have to eat the frosting off the cupcakes before loading the canon. The film was directed by American director Patrick Daughters, also behind music videos for The Yeah Yeah Yeah’s, Bright Eyes, Kings of Leon, Mika, to mention a few.

Rémi Babinet, President and Executive Creative Director, BETC, says: "The ways brands tend to represent kids are often very uniform: either they’re portrayed as fashion victims or as too “perfect” and well behaved. Petit Bateau knows the kids thatparents dream of are in reality far from perfect: they’re kids who let their imagination run free, who break the rules and shape themselves beyond norms."

Ad agency: BETC Paris

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