MOPH - Mom remembers / Breast Cancer Awareness (2015) :30 (Lebanon)

This ad from Memac Ogilvy taps into a universal truth about our mothers, they remember every awkward, embarrassing, funny thing that happened, ever, especially about their kids, their husbands, and their own youth. But they may not always remember to take care of themselves. I actually laughed at the stories, and recognize the situation as I've just prodded my own mom to remember her appointment last week. then it slowly dawned on me that I too am the mom that talks about her past waist and kidlet potty trainings, and should probably check when my appointment is. We all turn into our mothers, kids. Just embrace it.

Client : Breast Cancer Lebanon
Agency: Memac Ogilvy
Director : Amanda Abou Abdallah
Production : WAHM productions
Production consultant : Mint
Director and cinematographer : Muriel Aboulrouss

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