Oscar Mayer rewards 105 year-old bacon lover with more bacon.

It's almost like you don't need to read the rest of this article what with that spiffy headline and all. But here goes--Pearl Cantrell is 105 years old and loves bacon. Like, really loves bacon. Eats it every day. Suggests it's the bacon keeping her going.

Oscar Mayer got wind of it, and sent out the wiener mobile, gave the old gal a ride in the truck, and sent her off with bacon. Done.

Let me reiterate: They drove out to see her.

They didn't tweet her. They didn't give her a QR code to futz with. They didn't make her participate in an instagram challenge. They didn't create an interactive print ad no one will ever use, just because Wired will write about it.

They heard about an awesome bacon loving old lady, and then drove out to see her in person, getting feel good earned media in the process.

See? It's not that hard. You're just making it hard.

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